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Le dopage
ISBN: 2130471226 9782130471226 Year: 1995 Publisher: Paris PUF

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De nombreuses affaires éclatent régulièrement - comme celles de Ben Johnson, Katrin Krabbe, Diego Maradona, Yang Aihua - concernant des sportifs qui ont connu la gloire puis la disgrâce pour avoir usé de substances chimiques interdites. Ce livre décrit la genèse et les déterminants du recours aux produits dopants, en remontant jusqu'aux temps ancestraux où l'homme n'était pas encore préoccupé par des titres sportifs. Au fil des siècles, on découvre la progression insidieuse de ces substances-miracles destinées à accroître la condition physique ou mentale de leurs disciples et dont l'éventail s'est constamment enrichi. Evolution qui est favorisée par l'apparition du culte de la performance et soutenue par les progrès de la médecine

Tous dopés ? : éthique de la médecine d'amélioration : [conférence, Bruxelles, 25 avril 2007]
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782872691791 2872691790 Year: 2008 Publisher: Bruxelles Bernard Gilson

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Dopage sportif. --- Dopage dans les sports. --- dopage --- Dopage dans les sports --- Congès --- Médecine du sport --- Produits dopants --- Médecine d'amélioration --- Dopage --- 613.83 --- 796.011.5 --- Narcotics --- Ethiek van de sport. Fair play --- 796.011.5 Ethiek van de sport. Fair play --- 613.83 Narcotics --- Congès --- BPB0905 --- Bioéthique --- 174.2 --- 174.2 Beroepsmoraal van de artsen. Medische beroepsethiek --- Beroepsmoraal van de artsen. Medische beroepsethiek --- Bio-ethiek --- Doping --- Conferences - Meetings --- Droit --- Droit international --- Doping in sports --- Medical ethics --- Bioethics --- Ethique médicale --- Bioéthique --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Congresses --- Aspect moral --- Belgium --- Médecine du sport. --- Produits dopants. --- Médecine d'amélioration. --- Droit. --- Droit international. --- doping --- uporaba nedovoljenih poživil --- dopaje --- dopingas --- teljesítménynövelő szerek --- dopování --- допинг --- výkonnostné drogy --- ντοπάρισμα --- dopings --- dopning --- uso de estimulantes --- performance drugs --- doppingellenes intézkedés --- забранети супстанции за подобрување физички способности --- Convenio contra el Dopaje --- control antidopaje --- dopping --- antidopaje --- drogatura --- dopare --- dopping elleni küzdelem --- Carta Europea contra el Dopaje en el Deporte --- забранети супстанции за подобрување на перформансите --- agentes de dopaje --- stimuliantų vartojimas --- métodos de dopaje --- βιοηθική --- bijoetika --- bioética --- bioetica --- bioētika --- bio-ethics --- bioeetika --- биоетика --- bioetyka --- bioetiikka --- bio-ethiek --- bioetică --- bioetik --- Bioethik --- bioetika --- lääkärin etiikka --- κώδικας ιατρικής ηθικής --- etică medicală --- etica medica --- медицинска етика --- ética médica --- medical ethics --- bioëthiek --- arstieetika --- medizinische Ethik --- medicīniskā ētika --- orvosi etika --- éthique médicale --- medicinos etika --- etikë mjekësore --- medicinska etika --- medische ethiek --- meditsiinieetika --- medicinsk etik --- dópáil --- bitheitic

Dopage, santé des sportifs professionnels et protection des données médicales
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9783725556670 9782802725985 280272598X 3725556679 Year: 2008 Volume: 1 Publisher: Bruxelles Paris Genève Zürich Bâle Bruylant L.G.D.J. Schulthess

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Cyclists --- Doping in sports --- Medical records --- Professional sports --- Health and hygiene --- Law and legislation --- Access control --- Professional athletes --- Privacy, Right of --- Dossiers médicaux --- Sportifs professionnels --- Droit à la vie privée --- Dopage dans les sports --- Access --- Control --- Civil rights --- Accès --- Contrôle --- Droits --- Santé et hygiène --- Droit --- Athletes --- Drug use --- E-books --- BPB0903 --- Données médicales --- Dopage --- Clinical records --- Health records --- Hospital medical records --- Patient care records --- Communication in medicine --- Hospital records --- Bicycle riders --- Bicyclists --- Riders, Bicycle --- Pro sports --- Sports --- Drugs in sports --- Drugs --- Sports medicine --- Doping --- doping --- uporaba nedovoljenih poživil --- dopaje --- dopingas --- teljesítménynövelő szerek --- dopování --- допинг --- výkonnostné drogy --- ντοπάρισμα --- dopings --- dopning --- uso de estimulantes --- performance drugs --- doppingellenes intézkedés --- забранети супстанции за подобрување физички способности --- Convenio contra el Dopaje --- control antidopaje --- dopping --- antidopaje --- drogatura --- dopare --- dopping elleni küzdelem --- Carta Europea contra el Dopaje en el Deporte --- забранети супстанции за подобрување на перформансите --- agentes de dopaje --- stimuliantų vartojimas --- métodos de dopaje --- dane medyczne --- medicīniskie dati --- date medicale --- data medika --- medicinska uppgifter --- zdravstveni podaci --- medicininiai duomenys --- potilastiedot --- ιατρικά στοιχεία --- meditsiinilised andmed --- медицински податоци --- datos médicos --- medizinische Daten --- medicinske data --- lekárske údaje --- zdravstveni podatki --- medische gegevens --- të dhëna mjekësore --- medical data --- lékařské údaje --- orvosi adatok --- dati medici --- dados médicos --- медицински подаци --- медицински данни --- medicininė byla --- patientjournal --- lékařský záznam --- lægelige oplysninger --- cartella medica --- historia clínica --- ιατρικός φάκελος --- medical file --- здравствен картон --- kartelë mjekësore --- medicininiai įrašai --- sairauskertomus --- Krankenakte --- kartoték --- medicinski karton --- lekársky spis --- haiguslugu --- zdravstveni karton --- potilaskertomus --- fișă medicală --- kórlap --- медицинско досие --- dossier médical --- slimības vēsture --- lekárske záznamy --- ravidokument --- dosar medical --- medical records --- medisch dossier --- expediente médico --- lægejournal --- chorobopis --- Corrupt practices --- dópáil --- sonraí leighis --- Doping in sports - Law and legislation - Switzerland --- Professional sports - Law and legislation - Switzerland --- Cyclists - Health and hygiene - Switzerland --- Medical records - Law and legislation - Switzerland --- Medical records - Access control - Switzerland --- Données médicales --- Droit du sport --- Vie privée --- Lutte contre le dopage --- Suisse --- Traitement des données à caractère personnel --- Données relatives à la santé

Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789048636334 9048636337 Year: 2019 Publisher: Brugge Die Keure

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Sport kent een steeds belangrijkere juridische context. Waar het nog steeds gaat om ‘het snelst te kunnen fietsen’, ‘het verst te kunnen springen’, of ‘het meeste voetbalwedstrijden te kunnen winnen’, kent het sportgebeuren vele juridische verhoudingen waarbij sportwetgeving en sportrechtspraak niet meer weg te denken zijn. In dit handboek geven de auteurs vanuit hun specifieke achtergrond en praktijkervaring een overzicht van de belangrijkste aspecten van het sportrecht. Naast een schets van het sport(recht)landschap en de Europeesrechtelijke context omvat dit boek een waaier van onderwerpen die aan de hand van wetgeving en tal van praktijkcases toegelicht wordt: het contract van de sporter, opleidingsvergoedingen, sociaalrechtelijk en fiscaal statuut, recht op afbeelding, makelaars, dopingreglementering, collectieve verkoop van mediarechten, aansprakelijkheid en matchfixing. Dit boek richt zich tot de student sportrecht en tot de sportjurist in brede zin, maar is zeker ook nuttig voor federaties- en clubverantwoordelijken, beleidsverantwoordelijken en administraties op het lokale en Vlaamse niveau, en voor begeleiders en sporters die hun weg zoeken in het labyrint van het sportrecht.


statuut van de sporter --- doping --- België --- Europa --- beslechting van geschillen --- contract --- contrat --- avtal --- zmluva --- договор --- leping --- ugovor --- līgums --- kontratë --- sopimus --- kontrakt --- umowa cywilna --- pogodba --- conradh --- szerződés --- sutartis --- Vertrag des bürgerlichen Rechts --- kuntratt --- contrato --- smlouva --- уговор --- σύμβαση --- contratto --- zaključivanje ugovora --- lepinguline kokkulepe --- sopimuksen tekeminen --- e drejtë kontraktuale --- lepinguline kohustus --- angazhim kontraktual --- e drejtë e kontratave --- assinatura de contrato --- līgumsaistības --- afsluiten van een contract --- conclusion de contrat --- склучување на договор --- συμφωνία --- ugovorna obaveza --- angajament contractual --- szerződéskötés --- договорно право --- kontrakts --- verplichting --- ondertekening van een contract --- līgumattiecības --- sopimusperusteisuus --- договорна обврска --- Vertragsunterzeichnung --- overenskomst --- vertragliche Verpflichtung --- law of contract --- Vereinbarung des bürgerlichen Rechts --- līgumtiesības --- uzatvorenie zmluvy --- firma di un contratto --- contractual commitment --- Vertragsabschluss --- compromiso --- úmluva --- szerződéses kötelezettség --- forpligtelse --- droit des contrats --- aftaleret --- szerződések joga --- sutartinė prievolė --- conclusión de contrato --- συμβόλαιο --- diritto contrattuale --- lepinguõigus --- раскинување на договор --- zmluvná dohoda --- sutarčių teisė --- tecknande av kontrakt --- indgåelse af kontrakt --- contractual agreement --- signature de contrat --- bindende tilsagn --- slutande av avtal --- smluvní právo --- līguma slēgšana --- Vetragsrecht --- склучување договор --- stipulazione di un contratto --- zmluvný záväzok --- direito dos contratos --- contract law --- conclusão de contrato --- δίκαιο των συμβάσεων --- szerződés megkötése --- conclusion of a contract --- contractrecht --- ugovorno pravo --- susitarimas dėl sutarties --- sopimusoikeudet --- marrëveshje kontraktuale --- compromisso --- σύναψη συμβάσεως --- uzavření smlouvy --- firma de contrato --- υπογραφή συμβάσεως --- dohoda --- lepingu sõlmimine --- δέσμευση --- sutarties sudarymas --- avtalsrätt --- Derecho contractual --- szerződéses megállapodás --- sopimusvelvoite --- përfundim i një kontrate --- riżoluzzjoni ta' tilwimiet --- διευθέτηση των διαφορών --- domstarpību izšķiršana --- решавање спорова --- riitojen ratkaiseminen --- regulowanie sporów --- composizione delle controversie --- settlement of disputes --- réiteach díospóidí --- zgjidhje e mosmarrëveshjeve --- solución de conflictos --- ginčų sprendimas --- Beilegung der Streitigkeiten --- vaidluste lahendamine --- řešení sporů --- bilæggelse af tvister --- reševanje sporov --- vitarendezés --- urovnávanie sporov --- règlement des différends --- решавање спорови --- soluționarea conflictelor --- rješavanje sporova --- tvistlösning --- уреждане на спорове --- resolução de diferendos --- διευθέτηση διενέξεων --- dispute settlement --- уреждане на конфликти --- arreglo de controversias --- konflikta atrisināšana --- soluzione dei conflitti --- mirovna pogajanja --- negocieri de pace --- reglementarea conflictelor --- mírová jednání --- selkkausten ratkaiseminen --- conflict resolution --- résolution des conflits --- resolução de conflitos --- konfliktlösning --- решавање спорови по вонсудски пат --- мировни преговори --- risoluzione delle controversie --- мирни преговори --- reševanje konfliktov --- mirovni pregovori --- vredesonderhandeling --- konfliktide lahendamine --- rešitev sporov --- konfliktbilæggelse --- fredsförhandlingar --- rozstrzyganie sporów --- miera sarunas --- tvistbilæggelse --- riżoluzzjoni ta' kunflitti --- mírové řešení sporů --- peace negotiations --- risoluzione dei conflitti --- resolución de litigios --- urovnávanie konfliktov --- Lösung der Konflikte --- разрешаване на конфликти --- решавање спорови по судски пат --- mírové urovnání sporů --- rahuläbirääkimised --- reglementarea diferendelor --- conflict settlement --- urovnání sporů --- negocjacje pokojowe --- решавање конфликти --- oplossing van conflicten --- mierové rokovania --- Friedensverhandlung --- negoziato di pace --- Beilegung der Konflikte --- rauhanneuvottelut --- konfliktusrendezés --- konfliktuskezelés --- konflikta izlīdzināšana --- béketárgyalások --- negozjati ta' paċi --- negociação de paz --- negociación de paz --- erimielisyyksien ratkaiseminen --- konfliktų sprendimas --- règlement des conflits --- taikos derybos --- επίλυση διαμάχης --- riešenie konfliktov --- ειρηνευτικές διαπραγματεύσεις --- zgjidhje e mosmarrëveshjes --- negociata për paqe --- fredsforhandling --- rozwiązywanie konfliktów --- zgjidhje e konfliktit --- négociation de paix --- Eiropa --- An Eoraip --- Europe --- Ευρώπη --- Ewropa --- Euroopa --- Eurooppa --- Европа --- Európa --- Evropa --- țări europene --- Europese landen --- země Evropy --- Euroopa riigid --- evropské státy --- países europeus --- evropské země --- европски земји --- European countries --- europæiske lande --- ευρωπαϊκές χώρες --- país europeo --- Euroopan maat --- paesi europei --- nazioni europee --- európske krajiny --- país de Europa --- európai országok --- Europos šalys --- pays européens --- státy Evropy --- Europese staten --- vende europiane --- europäische Länder --- europeiska länder --- Belgium --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgique --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- dópáil --- Doping --- dopage --- uporaba nedovoljenih poživil --- dopaje --- dopingas --- teljesítménynövelő szerek --- dopování --- допинг --- výkonnostné drogy --- ντοπάρισμα --- dopings --- dopning --- uso de estimulantes --- performance drugs --- doppingellenes intézkedés --- забранети супстанции за подобрување физички способности --- Convenio contra el Dopaje --- control antidopaje --- dopping --- antidopaje --- drogatura --- dopare --- dopping elleni küzdelem --- Carta Europea contra el Dopaje en el Deporte --- забранети супстанции за подобрување на перформансите --- agentes de dopaje --- stimuliantų vartojimas --- métodos de dopaje --- statut de l'athlère --- 680 Sport --- BPB2112 --- belgië --- Sports --- Droit

Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789048644797 9048644798 Year: 2022 Publisher: die Keure / la Charte

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De vierde editie van het boek Sportrecht vormt een volledige update, waarbij de structuur van de derde uitgave in grote lijnen behouden blijft. Sinds de vorige editie van 2019 bewoog er opnieuw heel wat in het sportrecht en de sportrechtspraak. ‘Propere handen’, de gendersaga rond 800 meteratlete Caster Semenya, de European Super League, de wijziging van het fiscaal en RSZ-kader, het gewijzigd Antidopingdecreet, de beslissingen in de zaak Wout Van Aert tegen Nick Nuyens…, zijn actuele gebeurtenissen die de auteurs op nuttige wijze hebben verwerkt. Dit boek is een belangrijk startpunt van opzoekingen, een middel om een topic van sportrecht grondig uit te pluizen en een waardevol naslagwerk. Het heeft een plaats op elkeen die aan de slag gaat met sport & recht en sportrecht.


Social law. Labour law --- Recreation. Games. Sports. Corp. expression --- sportrecht --- Belgium --- belgië --- Europa --- statuut van de sporter --- beslechting van geschillen --- contract --- doping --- 680 Sport --- BPB9999 --- Sportrecht --- België --- statuut sporter --- doppingellenes intézkedés --- забранети супстанции за подобрување физички способности --- Convenio contra el Dopaje --- control antidopaje --- dopping --- antidopaje --- drogatura --- dopare --- dopping elleni küzdelem --- Carta Europea contra el Dopaje en el Deporte --- uso de estimulantes --- забранети супстанции за подобрување на перформансите --- agentes de dopaje --- stimuliantų vartojimas --- métodos de dopaje --- dópáil --- Doping --- dopage --- uporaba nedovoljenih poživil --- dopaje --- dopingas --- teljesítménynövelő szerek --- dopování --- допинг --- výkonnostné drogy --- ντοπάρισμα --- dopings --- dopning --- performance drugs --- zaključivanje ugovora --- lepinguline kokkulepe --- sopimuksen tekeminen --- e drejtë kontraktuale --- lepinguline kohustus --- angazhim kontraktual --- e drejtë e kontratave --- assinatura de contrato --- līgumsaistības --- afsluiten van een contract --- conclusion de contrat --- склучување на договор --- συμφωνία --- ugovorna obaveza --- angajament contractual --- szerződéskötés --- договорно право --- kontrakts --- verplichting --- ondertekening van een contract --- līgumattiecības --- sopimusperusteisuus --- договорна обврска --- Vertragsunterzeichnung --- overenskomst --- vertragliche Verpflichtung --- law of contract --- Vereinbarung des bürgerlichen Rechts --- līgumtiesības --- uzatvorenie zmluvy --- firma di un contratto --- contractual commitment --- Vertragsabschluss --- compromiso --- úmluva --- szerződéses kötelezettség --- forpligtelse --- droit des contrats --- aftaleret --- szerződések joga --- sutartinė prievolė --- conclusión de contrato --- συμβόλαιο --- diritto contrattuale --- lepinguõigus --- раскинување на договор --- zmluvná dohoda --- sutarčių teisė --- tecknande av kontrakt --- indgåelse af kontrakt --- contractual agreement --- signature de contrat --- bindende tilsagn --- slutande av avtal --- smluvní právo --- līguma slēgšana --- Vetragsrecht --- склучување договор --- stipulazione di un contratto --- zmluvný záväzok --- direito dos contratos --- contract law --- conclusão de contrato --- kontrakt --- δίκαιο των συμβάσεων --- szerződés megkötése --- conclusion of a contract --- contractrecht --- ugovorno pravo --- susitarimas dėl sutarties --- sopimusoikeudet --- marrëveshje kontraktuale --- compromisso --- σύναψη συμβάσεως --- uzavření smlouvy --- firma de contrato --- υπογραφή συμβάσεως --- dohoda --- lepingu sõlmimine --- δέσμευση --- sutarties sudarymas --- avtalsrätt --- Derecho contractual --- szerződéses megállapodás --- sopimusvelvoite --- përfundim i një kontrate --- contrat --- avtal --- zmluva --- договор --- leping --- ugovor --- līgums --- kontratë --- sopimus --- umowa cywilna --- pogodba --- conradh --- szerződés --- sutartis --- Vertrag des bürgerlichen Rechts --- kuntratt --- contrato --- smlouva --- уговор --- σύμβαση --- contratto --- διευθέτηση διενέξεων --- dispute settlement --- уреждане на конфликти --- arreglo de controversias --- konflikta atrisināšana --- soluzione dei conflitti --- mirovna pogajanja --- negocieri de pace --- reglementarea conflictelor --- mírová jednání --- selkkausten ratkaiseminen --- conflict resolution --- résolution des conflits --- resolução de conflitos --- konfliktlösning --- решавање спорови по вонсудски пат --- мировни преговори --- risoluzione delle controversie --- мирни преговори --- reševanje konfliktov --- mirovni pregovori --- vredesonderhandeling --- konfliktide lahendamine --- rešitev sporov --- konfliktbilæggelse --- fredsförhandlingar --- rozstrzyganie sporów --- miera sarunas --- tvistbilæggelse --- riżoluzzjoni ta' kunflitti --- mírové řešení sporů --- peace negotiations --- risoluzione dei conflitti --- resolución de litigios --- urovnávanie konfliktov --- Lösung der Konflikte --- разрешаване на конфликти --- решавање спорови по судски пат --- mírové urovnání sporů --- rahuläbirääkimised --- reglementarea diferendelor --- conflict settlement --- urovnání sporů --- negocjacje pokojowe --- решавање конфликти --- oplossing van conflicten --- mierové rokovania --- Friedensverhandlung --- negoziato di pace --- Beilegung der Konflikte --- rauhanneuvottelut --- konfliktusrendezés --- konfliktuskezelés --- konflikta izlīdzināšana --- béketárgyalások --- negozjati ta' paċi --- negociação de paz --- negociación de paz --- erimielisyyksien ratkaiseminen --- konfliktų sprendimas --- règlement des conflits --- taikos derybos --- επίλυση διαμάχης --- riešenie konfliktov --- ειρηνευτικές διαπραγματεύσεις --- zgjidhje e mosmarrëveshjes --- negociata për paqe --- fredsforhandling --- rozwiązywanie konfliktów --- zgjidhje e konfliktit --- négociation de paix --- riżoluzzjoni ta' tilwimiet --- διευθέτηση των διαφορών --- domstarpību izšķiršana --- решавање спорова --- riitojen ratkaiseminen --- regulowanie sporów --- composizione delle controversie --- settlement of disputes --- réiteach díospóidí --- zgjidhje e mosmarrëveshjeve --- solución de conflictos --- ginčų sprendimas --- Beilegung der Streitigkeiten --- vaidluste lahendamine --- řešení sporů --- bilæggelse af tvister --- reševanje sporov --- vitarendezés --- urovnávanie sporov --- règlement des différends --- решавање спорови --- soluționarea conflictelor --- rješavanje sporova --- tvistlösning --- уреждане на спорове --- resolução de diferendos --- țări europene --- Europese landen --- země Evropy --- Euroopa riigid --- evropské státy --- países europeus --- evropské země --- европски земји --- European countries --- europæiske lande --- ευρωπαϊκές χώρες --- país europeo --- Euroopan maat --- paesi europei --- nazioni europee --- európske krajiny --- país de Europa --- európai országok --- Europos šalys --- pays européens --- státy Evropy --- Europese staten --- vende europiane --- europäische Länder --- europeiska länder --- Eiropa --- An Eoraip --- Europe --- Ευρώπη --- Ewropa --- Euroopa --- Eurooppa --- Европа --- Európa --- Evropa --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgique --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- statut de l'athlère --- Sports --- Droit --- België. --- BPB2301 --- Athletes --- Sportifs --- Professional sports contracts --- Contrats sportifs --- Doping in sports --- Dopage dans les sports --- Comparative law --- Droit comparé --- Law and legislation --- Legal status, laws, etc.

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